01 November 2010

Yoga: rubber band or iron rod?

It seems like the worries to getting into yoga is having a fair bit of flexibility? Not at all, because we're not looking to join any contortionist community. Interestingly, i heard many people said, " i need prepare myself to be more flexible first before i have the gut to step into a class". I never know how should i reply them, so i did not.
We don't have to prepare anything, for yoga is the preparation.

Physically, the degree to work for flexibility is the same degree to work for the strength. There's no flexibility without strength and vice versa; because our body muscles work in tagonist and antagonist. When we go for great flexibility without strength--- there's no control; in the opposite--- there's no freedom.
The essence of yoga, is to work around for the balance of these two; first physically, then mentally and lastly spiritually.

A humble yoga session, is not a performance to show off on the mat. Not the level of poses we can achieve, and we don't achieve anything; we learn. Its a good time to be "ugly". Be open to acknowledge the weaknesses, embrace them and bring those weaknesses to strength.

A flexible mind brings creativity; a strong mind builds up self-integrity. We need both.

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