24 May 2013

Don't take advantage of yourself!

Have you been traveling alone before? If not, try it!

I'm on a impromptu loner traveling to Bangkok this week; everything just sort of fell into place nicely!

Got a good deal for the air ticket, a long weekend holiday ( vesak day) & a teacher is traveling to Bangkok for workshop ( just the same week as i am)!

Is it lonely to be traveling alone? Actually no.

Phew! Never a time i feel that i'm bored, the simplest thing can be as interesting too!
Enjoying every bit of my time, things becomes more interesting & busy checking out the streets.
I got some time to do some reading, spacing out, catching my sleep without the alarm or not checking out the time.
And maybe just thinking about anything. Which i didn't really have the luxury to do that if i'm on schedule for teaching.
In this trip, learn something: Don't take advantage of yourself.

In the days that we are busy, really busy with our daily work or household stuff; we could zig zag between fully into the routine or operating like a robot. Our head will be running in full force of information without rest.

Don't ever feel guilty for taking time off from your work ( i know many people do, or at least your colleagues try to make you feel guilty from leaving the work space); and spending sometimes for yourself.
Thank yourself for working hard, appreciate your own effort given and let it space out for few days.
You'll be surprise that you can operate better after that!

It has been interesting so far, i did go lost a few time, managing to get into the place i want to.
I'm more independent for checking out the direction ( my friends had spoilt me thoroughly for their good sense of direction!)

Learning how to ask for help, is the best thing ever. Once, in the supermarket, i wasn't tall enough to reach for the item i wanted; a thai man happened to walked by ( he wasn't that tall either), i asked him for help. He jumped and got it for me, really thankful for the gesture!

This trip open a chance for me to create my own space again, a time to appreciate myself for who i am, before i got lost into who i wish to be. 

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