13 October 2010

Clean yourself Inside Out--- Colon cleansing

Most of us must have known about the recent lost for the respectable Dr Balaji  ( 55 year old), Senior Minister of Foreign Affairs. The main cause of such loss: Colon Cancer. Which triggers me to draft out this blog post.

Colon cancer is the top cancer cases in Singapore. People around me may have heard me talking a little about it; and this incident is a great chance for us to really have a thinker.

Couples of years back, if we still recall the hypes of clinics providing colon cleaning services in town. Where a machine is involved, by in- putting caffeine liquid to relax the colon muscles and later suck the  body waste into the machine. Due to some complication, the regulation of such services has tighten... and only come clinics are providing such services.
Hey! WHy do we want to pay such high cost and have somebody to clean our colon, when we can actually do it ourselves?

Colon cleaning is one of the traditional yogic method that has been around long time back; which most people thought its a modern service. This method is Basti. The simple equipment is Enema set.

Whenever i mentioned about my favorite basti, i get crumpled faces with two huge steps backwards.           " What! you clean your own colon?" Gulp!

Yes. Why not? It's very economical , i don't need a stranger to do it for me and i can clean my own dirt. The fact is, no matter how fresh our food are, which detox plan we are following; whenever we put anything into our mouth and into our body system... we're already welcoming tons of viruses and bacteria. Not to say that Singaporeans loves hawker food plus increasing rate of constipation problem.

Our colon is like a water pipe. The inner side of the pipe gets dirty, and some may even get stuck at the folding. If we don't clean it, more dirt's accumulate and the pipe gets block. In the case of colon, the waste matters will harden and turn toxins--- colon related problems occur.

I've been happily doing Basti for coming 3 years. I used to have this rashes and itchiness on my arms, and acne's on my skin. After experiencing the effect of basti, the rashes and itchiness was gone! My sis was surprised and now she's using it too. 

Even if I'm on a vege-based diet, i do get expired waste in my system. For those who loves to dine out ( whether its hawker food or fine dining) and who has bad constipation problem. Please, start doing something. 
Some people may find it disgusting still, but the baseline is " The dirt is out of me, and you're still storing it."

Where can i get the Enema Set?

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