13 September 2011

Learning your own lessons, yourself.

My recent heading back to the philosophy sessions by master paalu has been keeping my head busy. The same yoga sutra was taught three years ago and today... still amazes me. Indeed, they are heavy stuff--- lots of processing going on, till i got into a slight headache. Nevertheless, its real juicy!

The verses draw out so much more lessons today; very much was because i started knowing the sutra like a blank canvas back then--- today, i learnt how to apply them and take references from my past experiences.

Each time i revisit them, its like peeling layers and layers to uncover a deeper meaning of the collection--- and i believe there's still so much more to dig into, like a bottomless pit!

Sometimes, i thought i knew them--- but i don't know them.
At very random time... like sitting on a train ride, walking down the street or even people- watching while lazing in a cafe--- suddenly at one point, i see something i never could figure out-- i knew it!
A sudden of excitement gushes up, i could not quite know how to explain it.

Paulo Coelho penned it beautifully in his recent book " Aleph":

" The first thing you feel is terrible desire to cry, not out of sadness or happiness but out of pure excitement.
You know that you're understanding something you can't even explain to yourself."

The most precious lesson is when its learnt by yourself, that's not even able to verbalize. Because true lesson is mute, it wants you to live them, not speak them.

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