18 September 2011

Dissolves your Dreams

Today, he suggested: How do you know you're not in your dream right now? Your eyes are open doesn't mean much that you're in a real world. That probably the dream you're having in your sleep is your real world instead?  You also see, hear, smell, feel, speak... so which is real?

Something hit me a little... How come i never thought of this before? So, where am i?
Nothing is real, we're living in dream... always... until we're awake.

I thought its sort of like the movie " Inception". We plant a seed, deep but nothing will grow if we don't do anything to it. The seed will just remain in there. When we started to grow them, the seed turns into roots, and something grows.

Whether or not, everyone of us has dreams in different world. Some people say " Live your dreams"....
But i say " Dissolve your dreams"

Living your dream sort of telling us to keep fantasizing them, a little too futuristic. When we start to dissolve our dreams, means that we are already making it happen, and the dream is here, in the present. Focusing your energy right here, not the past memories and not the virtual future.

When we start killing our dreams, we're living.

The first indication that we are killing our dreams 
is the lack of time.
The second indication of the death of our dreams
is certainty.
The third indication that our dreams are dead
is peace.

~ The Pilgrimage

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