11 February 2011

White or black?

I was watching the news, and got pretty woken up by how so many people are throwing their lives away; when at the same time, so many people are striving so hard to live by minutes. One fight after another for the magnifying of differences in acts of anger.
Whatsoever that people are arguing on the existence of the Heaven and Hell, is right in front of our eyes. The Earth is just a stage for these plays.

Why blood fight for differences when we can turn to similarities? Some people create differences to break the community, and some dissolves them for unity.
Like the Chinese uses white pepper, and the Indians uses black pepper. No point arguing which is better, because they are from the same pepper plants.

"To live in the world and be intolerant of another's race, religion, customs and colour is like being born an eskimo and having an aversion to snow"
~Sri Dhammananda

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