27 November 2011

The path less traveled, is not too easy.

Once a friend said that it is always too challenging to take the path less traveled; because its almost an opposing direction we're moving against.
The initial idea to opt for choices less chosen is surely very much excited; but one may eventually feel too drained out moving against old habits and temptation; or even constantly having to cool the opposition down.
Many slowly choose to drop out of being " different" and join the rest in the mass traffic flow.

Sometimes, there's this strong belief we can see, that others can't. There's no way we can even describe or explain this vision to others.
There are times when others try to talk you out that our beliefs are pure fallacies. If they succeed to talk you out, they would feel more justified by their practice is "right". Otherwise, your strong beliefs will make them insecure about themselves.

My mum has never belief that vegetarianism can give us enough energy to operate our daily tasks. I still remember that i was so nervous to tell her that my decision of cutting away meat from my meals. Her exclamation of protesting to prepare my meal, happened for a few weeks.

When i was learning to prepare my own meal, my mum would peep to see how's like. Soon, she took over the task, and supported cutting down animals on the plate for health reasons.

Holding different way of thoughts will also lead to strong reactions from all around. So, how strong the fire inside us to keep our vision burning brightly? Strength, dedication and determination ( as quoted by Kino Macgregor)

I like to use the example of snapping of a rubber band. There are many moments, that just a little more effort against the resistance, the rubber band would snap, and it freedom! But too many time, we can tired just at that last step and bounced back speedily to the original form.

We have a choice to belief in what we want, or to ask ourselves to believe in that poplar "logic". Its not an easy task--- to care about what we think about ourselves than to care about what others think about us.

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