10 November 2011

Life Adjustments

There are time when yoga teacher steps onto our mat, stand close by us, adjust the posture and leave us on our own.
Some teachers come forth with a strong grip, and release till the student is ready to hold the pose independently. Some with a rough touch, and leave abruptly which may even cause a fall. Some are just like passers-by, walk pass us with a light touch.

Living out of the mat, people walk into our life to make some adjustment to us, and leave. It may be friends, families, gurus or soul mates. Eventually, the time when we allow them to enter out circle, there will be a time when they will have to leave the circle when the necessary adjustments has happen.

I'd once got an adjustment from a teacher, which made me really uncomfortable. I was lifted off from the mat, and the teacher released me suddenly--- i almost bang my face into the wall. Whether the adjustment was beneficial, a lesson learnt; a note for myself that i would not do this to others.

In life, we do meet people who adjust us to be more align; there are ones who give us misalignment. In one way or another, they will take their leave and its for us to stand alone. We either manage to stand firm before their departure--- we proceed on. Or tumble down to a fall--- we learn the harder way of picking up and get back to work.

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