14 July 2011

Enjoy the finer things in life...

Enjoy the finer things in life, or rather--- refine the things in life.

If you are thinking of going for an upscale lifestyle, bombing a hole in the pocket.... uh-uh, don't get me wrong. We can learn the "art of refine" starting from our breaths. Yes! Why not?
Putting the yoga practice of Pranayama ( life-force expansion technique) aside for now, i am referring to just pure in and out breaths. Like what you are doing now.

If you were to close your eyes, check that our initial breathing pattern is just like eating in a market place and food courts. Random, maybe trying to catch an extra breath or so. Roughly cut, making some noise at the nostrils.

Stay there longer, still observing---- we are now dining at a cafe. The breaths relax, slows down a little for a cuppa. Few deliberate forceful breaths to push the air way down the lungs, releases the tightness from within---  just like smelling the aroma of the coffee bean.

Linger there for a while more, bring the focus to laser beam. The breaths slowly become more refine. That as if you can breakdown each ingredients of the smell, dividing the atoms one by one.Just like enjoying a 12- course of fine-dining. We aim for the quality of each breath, flowing through really gently and smoothly.

This is a luxury. To be able to enjoy our breath. To really appreciate the reason of our presence, to not neglect and take it for granted for the tools given by birth.

Honour the breaths every morning before we even open our eyes--- that we're given another chance to make ourselves a better person.
Pray gratitude to the breaths every night before we even close our eyes--- for the support it has given us for the whole day. That we can still do the things we want to do, creating a better days for the others and ourselves.

Evey breath is a second chance given to us. Take them wisely.

Ever since i'd heard a man wheezing for his breaths behind me while i was at a bus- stop; 3 years ago.  I then realise that breaths is what keep us here. When we abuse or neglect it, we're pushing them away from us. Breaths, is the underlying reason for our presence. No matter how different human race want to be--- the fact that we're breathing---- we're same in unity.

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