27 August 2011

How's your practice going?

The question starts... so, how is my practice going? Beginners, intermediate or advanced?
As our practice goes, for weeks to months, from years to a lifetime... how do we gauge our level of practice? Sometimes, i find this as the easiest and challenging question to answer.

In these days of how yoga has been modernized by the cities, many take the performance of poses as a benchmark. A person who touches the toes in a forward bend does not make him/her any superior than the person who can barely bend forward. 

Asana practice, is just one aspect of the whole system of the yogic practice. However, our asana practices helps us by keeping an indication of our spiritual progress in life.

As Don Peers says: Practice loses its point if it is not reflected in how we live our life. 
The real practice starts only when we step out of our mat, carrying the same attitude as we are having while on the mat. 

How is your life going? That tells us how has our practice been going. 
Happiness and a sense of well- being wholesomeness form the core of yoga--- when they are growing in you and your life, you know you are on the right path.

Find the connection between your practice and your life, and break away from samsara. 

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