23 March 2011

Living with Intergrity

A story to share...

After having fun, the monk walk out of the brothel. Upon seeing his teacher walking passed, he felt ashamed. While walking back home together, the monk apologized to his teacher for his act.
The teacher said, " why do you feel sorry now? you should have felt that before you act upon it."

There was once i saw an human resource advertisement: Genuine service happens even when nobody is looking.
Some of my friends told me, "When in Rome, do what the Romans do." Hmm... yes and no. If we live by this phrase, aren't we are one of the rats running in a bigger race? No doubt we should be open to different cultures, however things that are done blindly is a good as not doing it. 

Living with or without integrity, we can decide- to be a 40 year-old child or a 6 year-old adult.

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