18 January 2011

What i learnt when i hike. Lesson #1 Speak The Heart Langauge

Language is not a barrier, words are.

Last year, my younger sis got herself a position in a company after graduation. One day, she came home and told me, " When my colleagues greeted me How Are You?; before i could even open my mouth to answer them, the greetings was brushed off.... and next sentence followed closely: Could you help me to do something?"
Start getting use to it, more to come.

Which is a pity, so now How Are You don't really mean a greeting... its a prelude to the next question actually. However harmless this may look, it is a start of a practice of saying words that we don't actually mean it--- mis-communication.
We live in a world of broken promises. How many times have you told a friend you'll call them back, but never did? And it became a habit of losing credibility.
Living in this busy city, my ears has become numb.

A short hiking with Dhan and Prem ( guide and porter) in Nepal had been few great lessons for me.
There was one time, my travelling partner Shi Ya was telling me of removing her sweater. Before we turn to Prem, Dhan tapped Shi Ya and gesture that he can get her sweater onto Prems' backpack. We were amazed by their service. That's a WOW factor in customer service.

The humour of life is, though speaking a common tongue, we still get misunderstood a lot. Forgo the barrier of words, simple words get us understood better.
A hike had presented me few great lessons... act through your heart.
" Wow, the little yellow flowers are beautiful" and i meant it. " The mountains are huge" and i meant it. " The wind is cooling", i meant it. " i need water and rest" and i meant it too.

A heart language is not difficult to speak at all. With a little more awareness, realise that our facial expression and gesture always come first, then the mouth will articulate the words to describe.

Example: My legs are tired from the climb. I feel the aches, and i say it after. or...
I feel the hunger first, and then said that I'm hungry.

Experience first, then comes with the words.  
Experience is the truth in the heart. The word may be the truth or a lie.

Being truthful to oneself, is probably another good deed we can do for ourselves.

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